Thanks For a Great Week! Some Updates

I wanted to write a special thank you to our readers for a great week and let you know about some updates on the blog. First off, thank you again for reading our posts and sharing them around. If you can’t tell, I’m having a lot of fun with this, and I really hope you enjoy what you read here. I want to write about things people are interested in, and it looks like that’s going well so far. Here’s a few updates:

Daily Posting: I’m spending a lot of time right now each day on social media and website stuff to build up readership. Once I have a larger base established that checks in regularly, I’ll have two posts a day a few times a week. Until then, expect one high-quality post per day in the morning. I should usually have a post up by 7am or earlier each day. In rare cases it’ll be a bit later.

Growing the Blog: We’ve grown by leaps and bounds in the first two weeks, but it’s only because readers like you have shared posts on social media. If you like reading what I write, make sure to tell other people about it. There’s not some magic way blogs increase their presence. If readers don’t share it, it simply won’t grow. So please help out.

What’s Next: We continue next week with our “New Legislator Profile” series with Timi Brown-Powers, a state representative from Waterloo. We’ll also be taking a closer look at the Democratic presidential race. Bernie Sanders returns to Iowa in mid-February, so we’ll preview and cover his visits. We’ll also consider the recent rumors from the Hillary Clinton camp.

As always, if you have ideas of what we should cover, shoot us an email. Or gossip. We love gossip. Let us know what you hear, share our stories, and keep reading! I really do appreciate your support. – PR

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