Mark Chelgren’s Plan For 2nd Offense Immigrants: Execute Them

Mark Chelgren, Republican state senator and candidate for Congress in the 2nd District, has a rather unique immigration plan he wants to talk about. According to an interview he did with the Journal Express of Marion County, Chelgren will advocate for executing immigrants who come to the country illegally a second time after being deported. From the article:

“For border security, Chelgren believes a fence would define the border and control who enters and leaves. If one is found to have crossed into the country illegally, committed a felony while here, then been deported, he supports executing that individual if they break America’s immigration laws a second time.”

That would of course be quite the departure from current American law, and will raise real questions for Chelgren as to why immigration crimes in particular are deserving of death, when plenty of non-violent crimes obviously carry no such punishment. The Republican Party this cycle has had a number of incidents with their presidential candidates demeaning immigrants and using inflammatory rhetoric on the issue. None, however, have suggested America execute immigrants who come into America unlawfully a second time. Indeed, that goes much further than some of the more extreme comments or policy ideas Steve King has proposed on immigration.

Unsurprisingly, the Iowa Democratic Party had something to say about Chelgren’s comments.

“Mark Chelgren’s reported comments are vile, hateful and downright deplorable,” said Dr. Andy McGuire, the IDP chair, in a statement. “We have heard Steve King and many Republicans running for President demean and insult immigrants and advocate for callous policies that would tear immigrant families apart. Mark Chelgren’s call for executing undocumented immigrants represents a dangerous new low for the Republican Party.”

“America is a country of immigrants, unified by the hope and opportunity to give our families and our children a better life. Our diversity makes our country stronger. Iowa Democrats will continue to fight back against heinous and hateful rhetoric from Mark Chelgren, Steve King, and the Republican Party.”


by Pat Rynard
Posted 12/1/15

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