Desmund Adams Gets List Of Endorsements For Christmas

3rd District Congressional candidate Desmund Adams gathered friends, family and local activists at a Des Moines hotel on the morning of Christmas Eve to announce a long list of new endorsements for his campaign. Former Lt. Governor Jo Ann Zimmerman came on board as his campaign chair, along with a number of prominent central Iowans as co-chairs to provide advice and assistance.

“I found [Adams] was a candidate who knew how to work very, very hard,” said Zimmerman in her introduction of Adams. “Solid family, good background for running. This 3rd Congressional District is a purple district. It will take someone who knows how to run, run hard, meet people and serve well. And Desmund can do that.”

Adams stressed that he’s put together a broad and diverse coalition to win the Democratic primary, with people from both rural and urban areas from many demographic backgrounds.

“In 2008 there was a little-known Senator that had the good fortune to change the political landscape in this country forever,” Adams said. “And the way that was achieved was to bring a broad coalition of supporters together from all sides to bridge divisions to move us forward … We can beat David Young, but it’s going to take every single person in this room and beyond to achieve that.”

Adams noted that he’d soon roll out a “People’s First Agenda” in 2016 to detail his various policy positions that would benefit the 3rd District.

Here is the list of endorsements the Adams campaign announced today:

Campaign Chair

  • Jo Ann Zimmerman – Fmr. Lieutent Governor

Campaign Co-Chairs

  • Louis Lavorato – Fmr. Chief Justice, Iowa Supreme Court
  • Fred Buie – Fmr. Chair, Iowa Association Business & Industry
  • Andrea Rivera – Retired, International Representative for United Auto Workers (UAW)
  • Joe Henry – President, League of United Latin American (LULAC)

Key Campaign Endorsers

  • Mary Campos – Co Founder Brown & Black Forum
  • Mark Cooper – Union Leader
  • Rep. Ako Abdul Samad – Iowa House Assistant Minority Leader/Chair IDP Black Caucus
  • Max Knauer – Community Activist
  • Wayne Ford – Fmr. IA State Representative/Co Founder Brown & Black Forum
  • Art Behn – Chair, Dallas County Democrats
  • Sherry Toelle – Chair, Cass County Democrats
  • Jack Hatch, Fmr. Democratic Gubernatorial Nominee/Fmr. Iowa State Senator
  • Ed Fallon – Fmr. State Representative
  • Heather Ryan – Chair, East Side Democrats
  • Mitch Henry – Community Activist
  • Julie Stewart – President, Senate 10 Democrats/ State Central Committee Member
  • Joyce Schulte – Fmr. U.S. Congressional Candidate – District 4
  • Michael Libbie – Business Leader
  • Pastor Bobby Young – Fmr. President, Ministerial Alliance
  • Pastor Billy Young – President, Ministerial Alliance
  • Linda Carter Lewis – Fmr. President, NAACP
  • Beau Fodor – LGBT Community Activist
  • Josh Hughes – I-35 School Board Member
  • Felix Gallagher – Business Leader
  • Mary Chapman
  • Marvin Dejear
  • Betty Andrews – President, Betty Andrews Media
  • Mary Madison
  • Rep. Ruth Ann Gaines – Iowa State Representative
  • Skip Moore – Des Moines City Council
  • Pastor R.L. Daye
  • Arnold Woods – Community Leader


by Pat Rynard
Posted 12/24/15

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