GOP’s Secret Switch To Put Jason Delzell In House District 88

An outsider may have captured the Republicans’ presidential nomination, but the establishment forces still hold the power locally in Iowa. Voters in Des Moines, Louisa and Muscatine counties were denied the chance to select their next GOP nominee for House District 88 thanks to incumbent Tom Sands’ surprise retirement two days after the primary. Instead, a small group of party insiders will convene a meeting in August to select their candidate.

The establishment seems to already has their pick, however: Jason Delzell. He announced his candidacy to the press not even two hours after Sands’ statement. Sands has already endorsed Delzell. This entire arrangement was obviously planned well in advance, timed so that voters would have no choice in the matter.

The official nomination of Jason Delzell will have to happen at a special nominating convention, likely held in August, though Delzell is already planning out fundraising and campaign events. A group of party insiders – the leaders from each precinct in the district – will come together at that convention and vote for the nominee. In theory, someone else could attempt to run, but considering the apparent coordination already, the fix is certainly in for Delzell to win.

Democrats will likely also nominate someone at a special convention – they didn’t run any candidate in the primary. The Democratic candidates have put up good efforts against Sands in the past, but always came up short. Now that the seat is open, they will certainly want to contest it.

House District 88 is certainly a winnable one for Democrats. While registered Republicans outnumber Democrats 6,397 to 5,566, No Party voters comprise the plurality with 6,775. Barack Obama narrowly won the district in 2012. And the towns of West Liberty and Columbus Junction contain large Hispanic populations, which may turn out at high levels to defeat Donald Trump.

Republicans will fight hard to keep this district in their column, but the inauspicious, insider start for Delzell’s campaign could frustrate local voters.

Here’s the district map for HD 88:

house district 88-page-001


by Pat Rynard
Posted 6/10/16

2 Comments on "GOP’s Secret Switch To Put Jason Delzell In House District 88"

  • This is a district tradition. Barry Brauns (who beat me in this seat in 1996) dropped out days after the 2002 primary, and that’s when Sands got nominated.

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