The View From The Iowa Delegation At The Democratic Convention

After a rather rocky start to the Democratic Convention, the first evening ended on a positive note with strong speeches from Cory Booker, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. I’m not personally at the convention myself this week (cost too much and I haven’t raised enough for Starting Line’s regular operations yet – probably for the best, as I’m home sick with a nasty, painful virus), but we’ll have live looks into proceedings from delegates there.

Here’s two quick takes from some Iowa delegates, along with some great video footage of what it all looks like on the floor from another.

Brent Oelson, Bernie Sanders Delegate, Marion

I was excited to get that old blue nostalgic signpost signifying Iowa was on the floor of the convention ready to fulfill its duties as caucus goers in February, county delegates in March, congressional district delegates in May, and finally state delegates in June. Now we’re at the end of the line, with a lot more pomp & circumstance than when we first started. But that old school Iowa signpost juxtaposed with the podium upon which the Democratic nominee will accept the nomination and be one last step closer to the most powerful position in the world. Essentially it all starts ends in spiritual aspects in Iowa. Awe is the only word to come to mind to describe this process. Pure awe. I had a part in the greatest democratic experience/experiment ever conceived, all started one cold February night in Iowa with my neighbors at a schoolhouse. Mind blowing!

Corey Jones, Bernie Sanders Delegate, Anamosa

The jump into unity was not very fond of. But at the same time speeches from people like Cory Booker who I believe had the greatest speech of the night were inspiring but at the same time a sharp sword. We woke up and had breakfast to a surprise visit by Bernie and it’s all in efforts to unify and I really think it’s working. I think we’ll come together and be stronger together and forever. This is a powerful time for the Democratic Party and history.

Video Tour Of The Iowa Delegate, From Josh Hughes, Hillary Clinton Delegate, Warren County:

The view from the #DemConvention floor, featuring some Iowa Delegates and elected officials.

Posted by Iowa Starting Line on Monday, July 25, 2016

Video Of Bernie Sanders Addressing The Iowa Delegation:

And a reminder to Iowa delegates: the folks back home would love to see your videos and takes on the days. Send them in – Starting Line is a great place to compile them all and show them off.


by Pat Rynard
Posted 7/26/16

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