Martin O’Malley, EMILY’s List Stephanie Schriock In Iowa Sunday

Former Maryland Governor and Iowa Caucus competitor Martin O’Malley will return to Iowa this Sunday to headline the Progress Iowa Corn Feed in Des Moines. It’s O’Malley’s second trip back to the state since the February 1 caucus – he was here in June to campaign on behalf of Hillary Clinton at several events and meet with former volunteers.

Also at the Corn Feed this year is the president of EMILY’s List, Stephanie Schriock. Her organization has a particular stake in Iowa this year with both Monica Vernon and Patty Judge as endorsed candidates for them. EMILY’s List has successfully fought to elect pro-choice Democratic women to all levels of elected office, and Schriock has been very engaged in helping Clinton in key swing states like Iowa.

O’Malley and Schriock will join the entire Iowa Democratic federal ticket on stage at the Corn Feed. The event may actually be one of the last times before the election that all of them will be in one place. In addition to Congressman Dave Loebsack, the speaker list includes Patty Judge, Monica Vernon, Jim Mowrer and Kim Weaver.

The Corn Feed is in its second year as Progress Iowa’s big annual fundraiser. It aims to be a more laid-back, family-friend multi-candidate fundraiser, in contrast to the other chicken-dinner-in-a-dark-ballroom type of functions. It’s set on the bank of the Des Moines River in the outdoor Simon Estes amphitheater. The organization serves up sweet corn, corn dogs and popcorn during the afternoon event that starts at 2:00. There will also be live music, a live art painting and interactive games and booths from several issue groups.

Those interested in attending can pick up tickets at Progress Iowa’s website.


by Pat Rynard
Posted 8/24/16

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