Bernie Sanders Back In Iowa On July 15th For CCI Convention

Senator Bernie Sanders will be the keynote speaker for Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement’s Action Fund’s (CCI Action) annual convention in Des Moines on July 15th. This will be the first time Senator Sanders has returned to Iowa since the 2016 presidential election. CCI Action is describing the event as “Revolution Iowa – From Protest to Power.”

In addition to Senator Sanders, a Black Lives Matter Founder, Alicia Garza, will be speaking as well. There will be an impressive list of speakers conducting workshops on these issues: climate, immigration, healthcare, water, and changing “business as usual” politics. Click this link to learn more about this event and RSVP.

CCI Action 2017 Convention
Saturday, July 15th, 9am-5pm
Iowa Events Center
730 3rd Street, Des Moines, IA 50309

CCI Action securing Senator Sanders to lead their convention is a major accomplishment. Since the 2016 election loss, Sanders has become one of the main leaders and spokesperson of the Democratic Party. CCI Action organized and worked for Sanders during the caucuses and remain an important ally. They’re one of the dominant Iowa progressive groups driving the message and their Sanders’ connection is invaluable in enhancing their credibility and importance in shaping Iowa Democratic politics. Many of the Sanders’ and CCI supporters have become leaders in the Iowa Democratic Party and are effectively moving it to the left. They are already raising the issue expectation bar for the 2018 gubernatorial candidates.

Here are the four questions that CCI is asking all candidates for governor to answer:

Clean Water: Iowa has a clean water crisis, and runoff from factory farms is a major cause. Do you support a moratorium on new or expanding factory farms until there are fewer than 100 polluted waterbodies?

Immigration: Last year, the Iowa Legislature proposed legislation that would pit our law enforcement agencies against our immigrant and refugee friends and neighbors. Will you protect ALL communities by ensuring that no law enforcement agency in Iowa will be deputized under Immigration and Customs Enforcement?

Raising the wage: Living wages are good for workers, our families, our business and our communities. In 2016, Mike Gronstal and Senate Democrats proposed a measly increase to $8.75/hour.  Do you support a statewide living wage of at least $15/hour for all Iowa workers?

Healthcare: Everyone has the right to quality healthcare but Iowans are receiving worse healthcare than ever.  Will you implement a state-level Medicare for All program?

Sanders was last here in November, 2016 campaigning for Hillary Clinton a few days before the election. He made get-out-the-vote stops in Iowa City, Davenport, Cedar Falls and Ames. Sanders campaigned in these crucial blue collar and college town stops attempting to build support for Clinton’s election.

Sanders’ message this trip will likely be a call to resist the Trump agenda. In a recent commencement speech at Brooklyn College, he repeated many of the themes he campaigned on in 2016.

“It means that, no, we are not going to throw 23 million Americans off the health care they have. We are going to bring about health care for all as a right, not a privilege. It means that, no, we are not, as the current administration does, deny the reality of climate change…(we will) make certain the public colleges and universities are tuition-free and we’re going to significantly lower student debt,” said Sanders.

There have been some folks calling on Sanders to run for President. He remains very popular in Iowa and his trip to Des Moines will probably stimulate questions about a 2020 candidacy. Could Sanders be testing the Iowa waters for a potential run in 2020?


by Rick Smith
Posted 6/13/17

1 Comment on "Bernie Sanders Back In Iowa On July 15th For CCI Convention"

  • And with record ridership on the meager national rail system. Why can’t we have a train in the I-80 corridor? Where the population of Iowa is! More than one train, on one route. We don’t just have highway 34 across Iowa! Instead we have a government that spends 3 billion a year on airports, roads and ports…buses anything but safe, comfortable trains. Just in Iowa across the country it’s hundreds of billions of dollars. The one train a day train service avoids Des Moines and is way under funded. Yet it can be sold out during peak travel times.

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