Abby Finkenauer Brings In $152,000 In 3rd Quarter, $300,000+ Overall

State Representative Abby Finkenauer of Dubuque will be reporting a fundraising haul of $152,000 in the 3rd quarter reporting period next week, adding to her $156,000 total in the previous quarter. That brings her to over $300,000 raised in her 1st District campaign to take on two-term incumbent Rod Blum in one of the country’s top swing district races. She first faces a four-way Democratic primary in this Northeast Iowa district.

Her campaign reports that the fundraising amount comes from over 1,300 individual contributions, and that their median contribution is $50, with a majority of the donations coming from Iowa.

Last quarter, 58% of Blum’s fundraising came from political action committees, while just 1% of all his donations were under $200. Finkenauer’s operation notes that they’ve focused heavily on small dollar donors, and that 75% of their contributions were under $100.

“I’m in this race for one reason – my home, our state, and our country are worth fighting for and 2018 is make or break for my friends, family, and neighbors who are continually being targeted by out-of-touch, GOP establishment politicians like Rod Blum,” Finkenauer said in a statement to Starting Line. “I’m proud to have raised over $300,000 in my race to take on Rod Blum – and to finally hold him accountable for trading the needs of working families for the demands of Wall Street.”

Both national parties see Iowa’s 1st District race as key to control of the U.S. House. While the blue collar district used to lean Democratic, Donald Trump carried it by four points in 2016. Blum was narrowly elected 51% to 49% in 2014, had a little more cushion in his 54% to 46% victory in 2016, and overall is seen as a vulnerable incumbent.

Many national Democratic-aligned groups like EMILY’s List and NARAL have backed Finkenauer in her bid, likely helping with some of her fundraising. Eight unions in the labor-heavy district have endorsed her as well.

Finkenauer faces Thomas Heckroth, Courtney Rowe and George Ramsey in the June 5 Democratic primary next year.

Starting Line will have a full run-down on all the congressional races next week once all the 3rd quarter fundraising reports are in.


by Pat Rynard
Posted 10/11/17

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