Undecided On Governor’s Race? Check Out Our Profiles

With the June 5 Democratic primary fast approaching, lots of voters around the state are just now beginning to tune into the race. Iowa Starting Line has been covering the race for well over a year and a half, interviewing the candidates, covering forums, tracking endorsements and scrutinizing fundraising numbers and TV ad buys.

My goal throughout it all has been to provide our readers with a unique look at the gubernatorial primary, looking into aspects of it that others were not covering. For starters, I tried to explore the more personal side of the candidates in profile pieces and podcast interviews. I personally think it’s more illuminating on how a person will act in office based off their previous life experiences. Anyone can say they’re for a certain policy, but does their background match a passion to that stance? (Besides, if you want to compare everyone’s stances on the issues, you can just go to their websites or watch a forum.)

I’m compiling in this post handy links back to all my stories on the governor’s race. If you’re still undecided, check these out to see if they give you better insight into each candidate and help you make a decision. If you’re already backing someone, then share my pieces on that candidate with your friends who may still be considering their choices.

Candidate Profiles

Last year, I sat down with five of the candidates to do in-depth profile stories on each to learn more about their life story.

Nate Boulton: Boulton’s campaign a father/son mission on union rights

Cathy Glasson: The story of Glasson staring down intimidation efforts to form her union

Fred Hubbell: How being held hostage by terrorists changed Hubbell’s outlook on life and public service

Andy McGuire: In tough days with patients, Dr. McGuire saw the real impacts of the health insurance crisis

John Norris: From Jesse Jackson’s campaign to now, Norris continues his fight for economic justice

And a guest writer penned this nice piece on Ross Wilburn’s considerable experience and stance on the issues

Candidate Podcast Interviews

I sat down with all six candidates for a 20 to 30 minute interview for the Starting Line Podcast. These got pretty interesting – I asked them more personal questions and got some good responses that you probably won’t see elsewhere. The longer format was also nice to let them go more in-depth on the issues they really care about.

Links to each podcast (it’s also on iTunes, Stitcher and all the other major podcast apps):

Nate Boulton

Cathy Glasson

Fred Hubbell

Andy McGuire

John Norris

Ross Wilburn

How The Race Has Played Out

Here’s three stories that can help you understand why the race is where it’s at:

Late legislative session complicates fundraising for Boulton, Glasson

By The Numbers: How much the candidates spent on TV

How the Democratic primary stayed positive for so long

Other Stories

Here’s some links to some of the other coverage we’ve had of the governor’s primary:

Analysis of the excellent 2nd Democratic debate

Who might the nominee pick as their L.G. running mate?

Uncommitted and Boulton lead county convention results

How the precinct caucuses played out

A day in the life of a Nate Boulton field organizer

Andy McGuire’s first TV ad

Fundraising numbers from January

SEIU gives $1.8 million to Cathy Glasson

Cathy Glasson’s Eastern Iowa organizing of the progressive base


There are plenty other news websites that are compiling interviews and profiles as well. Check those out too, and send this post around to your friends. And check back in with Starting Line often before the vote. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


by Pat Rynard
Posted 5/22/18

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