CCI Brings In Nina Turner For Weekend Convention

The Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund (ICCI Action Fund) is holding their annual convention in Des Moines this weekend. The original organization Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (ICCI) was founded in 1975 by ministers in Waterloo committed to fighting for social justice. They worked at grassroots organizing and gradually evolved by adding their sister organization the ICCI Action Fund. ICCI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and the sister organization ICCI Action Fund is a 501(c)(4).  The ICCI Action Fund expanded their actions into political activity. That has grown their political power by allowing them to endorse candidates. ICCI Action Fund endorsed Cathy Glasson for Iowa governor in the recent primary.

They have become a major voice in the progressive community. With several thousand members they have expanded and broadened their focus to include issues of clean water, immigration, factory farms, wage theft, minimum wage and healthcare. They’re bringing in Nina Turner, a national spokesperson for the Senator Bernie Sanders campaign in the 2016 election as their keynote speaker.

CCI Action has a reputation as an aggressive, in-your-face activist organization. They have become an important independent political voice in Iowa politics. Their convention promises a rousing, energetic and spirited day. Below is their webpage description of their convention followed by a registration signup. 

A Future Worth Fighting for
CCI Action 2018 Convention

Saturday, July 21, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Community Choice Convention Center
833 5th Ave, Des Moines 50309

2018 Convention Keynote Speaker:

Senator Nina Turner

Nina is a fearless truth teller and insightful agent for social change. Widely known as a national surrogate for U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders on the 2016 campaign trail, she now serves as president of Our Revolution, where she works to empower progressive leaders and elevate political consciousness.

We believe in an Iowa where every person is able to live joyful, fulfilling lives – regardless of where they live, what they look like, or what their background is. We believe in a future for Iowa where everyone’s in, and nobody’s left out. We believe in A Future Worth Fighting For!

In our year of resistance, thousands of Iowans took action with us. And, Iowa CCI Action members kept pushing for what we need and imagining how we do politics differently. Doing this work out of love, righteous anger, and a shared belief that we’re all in this together made all the difference.

July 21 will be an energizing, inspiring, and powerful day that will turn the resistance of today into political power for the future we need and deserve –healthcare for all, clean energy, clean water, living wages, and racial justice.

This is not a time to stand in the middle of the road. We need to show up strong for our bold issue solutions. That’s our role as a people’s organization – we need to be clear about what our shared future can look like.

At A Future Worth Fighting For we’ll make history as we get fired up for the Iowa we want to see. With hundreds of attendees and a guest speaker list that includes some of the boldest thinkers and doers of our time, this year’s event is not to be missed.

The stakes are high in 2018! Almost all statewide offices are up for election, including the Governor’s seat. This election will shape Iowa for generations. We need to fight today for our shared future and be clear about what it should look like.

Join us July 21 for an energizing, inspiring, and powerful day that will turn the resistance of today into political power for the bold solutions we need — healthcare for all, clean energy, clean water, living wages, and racial justice.

Our annual statewide convention, A Future Worth Fighting For, features:

  • Engaging issue-focused workshops to deepen your analysis and activism
  • Powerful speeches from top movement doers and thinkers
  • Opportunities to connect and strategize with like-minded neighbors and friends

Register to attend:


by Rick Smith
Posted 7/19/18

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