A Possible Solution For The Shutdown

After having served as a lobbyist for a number of groups I learned one important thing: the larger the number of people contacting Congress on a specific topic, the bigger the chance of success. The key here is that everybody also needs to support the same plan. It needs more than folks saying they want to go back to work.

Regarding border security, most experts agree that there are a few additional places a fence, wall, or some other kind of barricade would be useful. It’s also important to include in the proposal monies to pay for added personnel and high-tech equipment which are needed. The amount of money for the wall would be determined by the amount experts say is needed for the construction, which is not as much as the president wants, but enough for him to say he won. The “wall” would then become a part of a larger appropriation for general border security, but should give the President cover.

The key to getting this done is for about a million or more people affected by the government closure to have a specific proposal to support. Here’s how this could work.

First, have one senator or representative (either party) put together a short plan based upon this proposal, or something similar, and take it to a friend on the other side of the aisle. Then the two of them bring 2 others to the table, continuing on this path until they have 50 or more members signed up. Then, take the plan and send it to all federal workers and as many contractors (or just interested citizens) you can find affected by the shutdown and ask each to write the President and all remaining Senators and Representatives not yet involved and ask them to support the proposal which you send them and to write, call, or email their representatives ASAP.

This takes a 3-pronged approach. Something for Trump, but less than he is asking. Something for those who do not want a massive, lengthy wall, but do want additional border security. Finally, it provides a wide lobbying effort focused on a single proposal.

The first two are close to getting there, but you need the 3rd piece to get it done.

That is American democracy at work.


by Dick Goodson
Posted 1/14/19

4 Comments on "A Possible Solution For The Shutdown"

  • Well Mr. Goodson , your not taking into account the fact that most all Americans of voting age are disinterested in their governance no matter what level . Of those that do practice their infrequent voting rights , you have a independent majority which is larger than registered democrats and republicans put together . Moving enough of these folks off their rear ends because they are not personally affected at this point, would take LEADERSHIP ! By that I mean Pelosi and Schumer getting real with a proposal like the one you’ve suggested , and selling it to their own rank and file members then getting some from across the isle to support it , than go jointly to the american people and browbeat the hell out of them with the bipartisan deal . Once sold on the deal as a fix people will speak as one , the president will not have a choice but to submit to the will of the people ! But they have to be led like Trump led the minions to vote for an unconventional candidate . I would make one suggestion to add to your proposal , and that is that the boarder guards be trained like military assault teams , and by that I mean quick response by helicopters to all areas of the border within ten minutes time . That coupled with long distant cameras mounted on high towers that can continuously scan miles of the border, coupled with sensors in the ground which can detect movement both under ground and topically so as also to alert those guarding the border ! The technology dose exist .

  • I have heard two viable options for a compromise proposal:
    1. establish a bi-partisan Border Security Commission (BSC–discount the initials) similar to what was set up closing redundant military bases in the U.S. The Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) was a process by a United States federal government commission to increase United States Department of Defense efficiency by planning the end of the Cold War realignment and closure of military installations. More than 350 installations have been closed in five BRAC rounds: 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, and 2005. Essentially it was a bi-partisan Commission that submits proposal to Congress that only permits an up or down vote. It was approved to avoid the power of Congressmen who wanted to protect redundant facilities in their districts.
    2. Congress would direct the Army Corps of Engineers to complete a study of where and how permanent barriers should be constructed in tandem with other security measures that would close the border from infiltration; such a proposal would be contingent on a DACA agreement as well as a proposal for to create a bi-partisan Commission for comprehensive Immigration Reforms.

    Neither of these would likely get Trump’s support–neither would lead to the construction of a border wall of any kind before November, 2020, but either may be able to secure a veto-proof approval from the Senate if allowed to come to a vote. If not, Trump would be on the defensive.

  • Trump and hard-line GOP do not know how to compromise. They do not listen to facts and have created their own reality. We are rapidly becoming a third-world country and Putin is laughing at us every day.

  • The new wall sections would need to be only in locations where they won’t cause major environmental damage. The environmental-damage problems of the border wall, caused by both planned and built sections, have been largely ignored by mass media. But anyone who googles “border wall environmental disaster” will find a lot of information.

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