America Needs A Leader Who Can Bring Us Together

Guest post from State Representative Amy Nielsen of North Liberty on why she’s endorsing Cory Booker in the Iowa Caucus. This is the first state legislator endorsement in Iowa of the cycle.

It’s been hard to watch the news over the last few years. It seems like every time the President speaks, it opens deeper and deeper wounds in our communities.

Headline after headline underscores the hateful and divisive rhetoric that sadly seems to define our current political climate. Meanwhile, many of our friends and neighbors are getting left behind or caught up in a system that is set up to perpetuate a society of haves and have nots.

We can do better than this. Every American deserves an equal opportunity to work hard and provide for their families.

We need a leader who will unite us instead of seeking opportunities to divide us. We need a leader who isn’t afraid to tackle our nation’s toughest problems by putting forward bold solutions.

I believe that leader is Cory Booker, which is why I’m excited to endorse Cory for President of the United States.

Iowans can trust Cory to have their backs. Throughout his career, he has taken on big challenges to lift up those most in need of help. He knows that we can’t achieve the American Dream by going it alone.

Cory will bring people together through his campaign by staying true to what we have in common. It’s how we are going to turn the page from Donald Trump to a brighter future that works for every American family — whether they live in my town of North Liberty, Iowa or in Cory’s neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey.

Cory has never shied away from tough problems because he knows that we have the power to create real change if we work together. When he was Mayor of Newark, Cory was able to bridge divides, build partnerships, and accomplish things that others said couldn’t be done.

As a former mayor myself, I know the type of tough decisions that need to be made as an executive, and how that experience prepares you to tackle big challenges in the future.

I know the kind of principled, values-driven leadership it takes to unite a community and create real, substantive change that lifts every family closer to the American Dream. This is the type of leadership Cory has embraced his entire career.

And he didn’t stop with Newark. In the Senate, Cory has not been deterred by gridlock or partisan divisions. He has reached across the aisle to build coalitions, move our progressive agenda forward, and create more opportunity for all families.

Now more than ever, we need someone who can deliver a message of optimism and unity. We need someone who can restore our American values and reignite our moral imagination.

Cory is the right person at the right time, and I’m thrilled to endorse him for president. I hope you will join me.


by State Representative Amy Nielsen
Photo via Nielsen
Posted 2/26/19

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