Candidates React To Court Ruling On ‘Domestic Gag Rule’

Yesterday, the Trump Administration got one step closer to restricting abortion access in the United States at the federal level.

A three-judge panel on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, covering the Western part of the United States, ruled that the federal government can block federal grant money from health care providers if they offer information about abortion or have family planning services in facilities where doctors also perform abortions.

In response, ten of the Democratic candidates running for president made statements on Twitter as of early Friday afternoon reiterating their support for Planned Parenthood and their opposition to this ruling.











This year, the Department of Health and Human Services proposed the change to the Title X Family Planning Program. Title X recipients and the state governments of Washington, California and Oregon challenged the ruling and district courts granted the injunction that blocked the rule from taking effect.

In the official document, the court stated, “As a threshold matter, we note that the Final Rule is a reasonable interpretation of § 1008.”

The Final Rule is the DHHS proposal. Section 1008 of Title X states that funds aren’t allowed for programs “where abortion is a method of family planning.”

The court went on to say, “the Final Rule’s prohibitions on advocating, encouraging, or promoting abortion, as well as on referring patients for abortions, are reasonable and in accord with § 1008.”

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Title X money has never gone toward funding abortion procedures, and many of these clinics, like Planned Parenthood, rely on Title X funding to operate and perform their other services like cancer screenings, pregnancy tests and HIV testing.

This policy has been labelled a “gag rule” by reproductive rights activists because it will prevent doctors from discussing abortion options with patients or referring them to clinics to have the procedure.

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives voted to pass a spending bill that permanently repeals both the domestic and global gag rules the Trump administration has implemented.

New York City mayor Bill de Blasio retweeted Planned Parenthood’s announcement for that.


by Nikoel Hytrek
Posted 6/21/19

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