Sanders Earns New Iowa Union Endorsement

The 1,800-member UFCW Local 230 of Ottumwa has endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders.

UFCW Local 230 political director Frank Flanders announced the endorsement during an event in Iowa City on Tuesday evening.

“UFCW 230 is taking leadership on behalf of all working Iowans in endorsing Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States because we agree that real and positive change only comes from people,” Flanders said at the event. “Meatpacker and agriculture workers across Iowa recognize that only Bernie Sanders has the guts to take on big ag and the powerful meatpacker monopolies that control Iowa’s economy.”

Sanders has let it be known he’s a friend of unions during this campaign cycle and throughout his career. His own campaign staff was the first 2020 presidential campaign staff to unionize.

“This campaign is a workers’ movement and it’s going to take all of us standing together to demand real, fundamental change in Iowa and across the country,” Sanders said in a press release. “I’m proud to be joined by the rank-and-file of Local 230 as we continue our work to raise wages and strengthen unions in rural communities.”

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Sanders announced earlier this year his Revitalizing Rural America policy platform. The platform explains how Sanders will help level the playing field for agricultural workers, strengthen unions and invest in rural communities.

This is the second local Iowa union to endorse in the Iowa Caucus. The Iowa Fire Fighters announced their backing of Joe Biden two weeks ago.


by Paige Godden
Posted 7/3/19

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