Biden Wins Over Union Workers At UAW In Waterloo

Former Vice President Joe Biden issued a rallying cry to unions while he addressed hundreds of people gathered at the UAW Local 838 hall in Waterloo Wednesday night, promising to create 10 million good-paying, middle-class jobs and saying, “We can out-compete anyone.”

“While [Donald] Trump is name calling, China is building roads, bridges, high-speed rails and investing billions of dollars,” Biden said. “While Trump is pursuing a damaging trade war — without any strategy, by the way — China is positioning itself to lead the way in renewable energy, creating millions of jobs. While attacking our friends, China is pressing their advantage all over the world.”

“So, yeah, I’m worried about China if we keep following this president’s path,” Biden continued. “We can out-compete anyone, though, if we invest in ourselves.”

That’s why, Biden said, he proposed an historic initiative based on scientific research and cutting-edge infrastructure. The proposal will create 10 million middle-class jobs and a modern workforce that will “compete and win with anyone in the world.”

Gary Ciddio, a member of the Iowa Professional Fire Fighters, said Biden’s speech was “inspirational.”

“I think he’s hitting on all the notes that are concerns of ours,” Ciddio said. “He hit the nail on the head when he said unions are the backbone of America.”

Terry McGrane, a member of the UAW Local 838 said he thought Biden’s speech was “great” and addressed what all union members want to hear. He was particularly interested in hearing Biden’s plans for improving the environment by investing in wind energy and solar energy.

“That stuff we should be pouring all kinds of money into,” McGrane said. “It should be built in the United States.”

Biden spent a good amount of his speech promising to rebuild the middle class by strengthening unions through a variety of means, including restoring collective bargaining rights and by “rewarding work over wealth.”

“There used to be a basic bargain,” Biden said. “If you helped create the success of the enterprise for which you work, you got to share in the benefits … But, folks, the fact of the matter is that bargain has been ripped apart by this administration. That bargain has been broken. We have to start rewarding work over wealth.”

Biden also said that when he rebuilds the middle class, he’s going to “bring everybody along.”

“Everybody’s got to come, no matter your race, no matter your gender, your ethnicity, your religion, who you love, where you live or what disability you may or may not have,” Biden said. “We have to restore some dignity.”


by Paige Godden
Posted 7/4/19

2 Comments on "Biden Wins Over Union Workers At UAW In Waterloo"

  • Hopefully some of the rank and file will see through the union bosses endorsement – Biden is “Mondale 2.0”, an electoral disaster in the making that would hurt down-ticket candidates

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