I Support John Delaney Because He Shows Up

A letter to the editor from Susan Wulf Osvald of Exira, Iowa.

No other person running for president has spent as much time in Iowa as John Delaney.

He made his second visit to Audubon County, one of Iowa’s smallest in population, when he came to Exira, my hometown, for a picnic and policy discussion on a sweltering August evening.

Since September of 2017, I’ve attended four Delaney campaign events in small west-central Iowa communities – each time I’ve learned something and been impressed with Delaney’s policy proposals and his answers to questions from people who care deeply about our land, lifestyle, communities, and our country and its leadership role in a global society.

I support John Delaney because he shows up, presents his common-sense vision for our country’s future, and answers questions.

Congressman Delaney also really listens to our concerns and ideas. I am a 4th generation Exira-area farm owner and a retired elementary teacher still subbing. My husband is an Army veteran and retired farmer. We are involved in our community through our church, organizations, boards, and volunteer activities. Among our concerns which John has addressed thoughtfully and intelligently are agriculture – including markets, trade, and tariffs; climate change and environmental concerns such as land use, clean water and air; education; energy – particularly wind and ethanol; healthcare; housing; our deteriorating infrastructure; the economy -especially rural poverty, workers, and jobs; Social Security; veteran and active military personnel well-being; foreign relations, and cybersecurity.

John is campaigning on a vision of bipartisan cooperation, instead of the divisive mode we see way too much of today. Instead of simply outlining a positive agenda that can move our country forward, he’s built a movement of “real solutions, not impossible promises.”

He’s promised to spend his first 100 days in the White House promoting not just the Democratic answer or Republican counterpart, but the bipartisan “right answer.” I encourage you to read his book, The Right Answer: How We Can Unify Our Divided Nation.

A Delaney administration will prioritize creating a future that is more prosperous, more secure, and more just for Iowa families. Our country needs someone who can rise above the division and dissolution to get things done for the American people in urban and rural communities all across the nation.

I believe John Delaney has the right mix of government and business experience to go head to head with Trump in 2020 and the right mix of intelligence, honesty, love of the American way of life, and empathy for Iowans and Americans from all walks of life to lead our country forward and restore decency, experience, and integrity to the presidency.

He’s focused on the future. If you’ve not yet seen him here in Iowa, I urge you to attend a Delaney event on his next trip to Iowa, pay attention to his commercials, and check out his website (www.johndelaney.com).


by Susan Wulf Osvald
Posted 9/4/19

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