Julian Castro Will Be A President For All Americans

Guest piece from Christina Blackcloud, vice chair of the Iowa Democratic Party’s Native American caucus.

Living in the first in the nation state comes with a kind of responsibility Iowans carry with pride. We hear from each presidential candidate, and we understand how their goals for this country will impact our families and our neighbors. No town hall goes by without community leaders and activists asking hard questions, and we all work to nominate someone who has the compassion, vision, and ability to deal with the challenges that accompany moving America forward.

Secretary Julián Castro has a vision to move us forward as one nation, with one destiny, and continues to prove his strength among the field. He is the candidate for Iowa.

Julián has been fighting to put people, all people, and their needs first ever since he first stepped foot on the city council in his hometown of San Antonio. He understands what it’s like to grow up in a neighborhood that didn’t get as much consideration by representatives.

As a presidential candidate, he was the first to put out an Indigenous Communities policy. He is committed to representing tribal Indigenous people, and I see in him the leadership that will continue to include our voice on a national level. I had the honor of introducing him at his policy rollout on the Meskwaki settlement, and I am proud that we are being listened to and included in the democratic process.

Our ancestors fought for us to be here, and I hope we all step up to support Julián.

Sticking to his motto of “People First,” I can tell you that Secretary Castro would be a President for all Americans, and ensure that those most marginalized are represented thoroughly.

Our job in the coming months could not be more important; not only are we tasked with choosing the candidate with a strong vision, but we must choose someone who can beat Donald Trump. Julián Castro is the man for the job, and there is too much on the line for our country to consider anything less.


by Christina Blackcloud
Posted 9/15/19

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