Cindy Axne Calls For Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump

Iowa Rep. Cindy Axne joined more than 170 of her colleagues today in support of an impeachment inquiry into Republican president Donald Trump.

“For the sake of our national security and our democracy, these serious allegations require independent Congressional investigation unobstructed by this Administration,” said Axne, Tuesday afternoon in a statement. “Congress has a responsibility to uphold the rule of law and to take appropriate steps to open an impeachment inquiry.”

Axne’s statement came on the heels of reporting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will begin a formal impeachment inquiry.

“When I was sworn into office, I took an oath under God to support and defend the Constitution of the United States,” Axne said. “Using the Oval Office to pressure a foreign leader to investigate a political opponent is a clear abuse of power. Beyond an abuse of power, allegations that the president threatened to leverage U.S. taxpayer dollars to extort a foreign government, if true, constitute an unequivocal violation of our federal laws and the U.S. Constitution I swore to defend.”

Prior to recent reporting on Trump’s alleged quid pro quo with Ukraine — withholding financial assistance in exchange for damaging information on Joe Biden, one of his top Democratic rivals — Axne, Iowa’s 3rd District congresswoman, had yet to weigh in on the impeachment question.

Up for re-election for the first time in 2020, Axne is expected to face a competitive race in a swing district against former congressman David Young.

Fellow House Democrats Abby Finkenauer and Dave Loebsack issued statements Monday calling out the president on his conversation with the Ukrainian leader, though they didn’t go so far to call for impeachment hearings yet.

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No House Republicans have come out in support of the effort. In the Republican-controlled Senate, led by staunch Trump supporter Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, an impeachment vote is almost certainly dead on arrival.

As of Tuesday afternoon, 173, and counting, House Democrats have put their support behind an impeachment inquiry.


By Elizabeth Meyer
Photo by Julie Fleming
Posted 9/24/19

8 Comments on "Cindy Axne Calls For Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump"

  • Huge mistake. President Trump isn’t going to be successfully impeached and instead will raise tens of millions of dollars off this while rallying his base.

    • Huge act of courage defending our Constitution. If GOP senators choose to defend Trump and not our democracy, they will reap what they sowed. For my part, I am doubling my financial support for Cindy. I am certain there will be thousands doing the same.

    • Oh, he’ll be impeached, all right Pat (impeachment does NOT equal removal from office). He may not be removed, but that’s up to Republicans in the Senate. In the meantime, as more and more crap comes out (this latest Ukraine fiasco is just the highest profile in a while), the more he’s going to be damaged – even to his base. Of COURSE he’ll try to raise money off the inquiry. But he’s already losing the faith of some of his higher rollers (like the Mercers)

  • “No House Republicans have come out in support of the effort.” That’s not entirely true, Elizabeth. Justin Amash did (of course he’s not a Republican, now, so currently you are correct)

  • I just read a tweet from George Conway retweeting a GOP senate insider: they will keep quiet until the vote, and then they will vote “guilty.” They hate him and the power he holds over them.

  • Congresswoman Axne made a principled and courageous decision to announce her support for a House impeachment inquiry.

    The White House’s memo of President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky’s July phone call, and a whistle blower memo about that call and subsequent Administration cover up, appear to document serious violations of law, jeopardize U.S. national security and breach Constitutional limits on Presidential authority. The Constitutional remedy is for the House to initiate the political process of impeachment.

    And therein is the political risk for members of Congress from “purple” districts. President Trump remains popular with a significant part of the electorate in Iowa. Her stance in this matter likely will energize Trump supporters to oppose her reelection. She chose to stand for the Constitution and the principle that no one is above the law.

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