Kamala Harris Is The Fighter Iowa Needs In The White House

Guest piece from Penny Rosfjord, IDP SCC member and former Woodbury County Democrats chair.

I love Iowa.

And I love to build our party up strong from its foundation.

In Woodbury County, we’re used to working hard to get Democrats elected. This election could not be more consequential for each and every one of us. There is so much at stake, and that’s why I feel so strongly that I need to get off the bench and out there making sure that we replace the current president.

What I know about this election cycle is that it is so important that we get this right. In this race, there are so many phenomenal candidates, but we need to back a unifier who can turn this country around and who understands Iowans are looking for real solutions.

Kamala Harris is the fighter Iowans desperately need in the White House.

Kamala’s experience as a prosecutor, attorney general, and U.S. Senator make her uniquely qualified to be the next President of the United States. At her core, she is a pragmatic problem solver who has spent her career addressing the real obstacles that face communities across the country. She’s not selling us a dream, but a real future that Iowans can believe in. And that’s because she’s a fighter who is going to work to get every vote for this nomination and has the best chance of beating Donald Trump in the general election.

Kamala’s plans are grounded but incredibly progressive. She knows that if we make a real federal investment in paying teachers their value, our children in rural Iowa will have a shot at a better future. In health care, she heard the concerns of Iowans and recognized that we can still get to Medicare for All, but has a plan to allow some folks that need more time for a longer transition, and offers more choice by letting private insurers play by her strict rules, putting people over profit.

She is tired like the rest of us watching these for-profit prisons take over our country and is ready to take on the system. I can’t imagine anyone better than a former Attorney General of California to lead us forward through comprehensive prison and criminal justice reform.

And I could go on and on. This is her 3 AM Agenda. The issues that keep you, and me, and moms in Alabama and dads in North Dakota up at night. These same questions about how we can get ahead and stay ahead. How we can pay our bills on time and make sure we all have access to affordable health care. On issue after issue, she just gets it.

But we know policies aren’t going to be enough. I have been lucky to see and visit with Senator Harris when she has been in Iowa. Her presence commands respect. When you meet Kamala, her handshake is firm but her hug is warm and genuine. She has an easy laugh that disarms you and makes you feel like you’re visiting with a friend. Within minutes, you can understand why she has never lost an election. She is laser focused on this race and what needs to be done to turn our country around. She really listens to people so intently and there is such a warmth and empathy in her eyes that lets you know that she cares.

We need someone like Senator Harris to get this done. People need someone they can believe in again. Someone with a real record and a long list of priorities that are rooted in helping people get ahead.

Kamala Harris is an inspiration. Her words are powerful. Her actions are thoughtful. And she is the best chance we have to correct course. I couldn’t be more thrilled to endorse Senator Harris! I like and respect her so much and I can’t wait to get started. So please join me and get to know Senator Harris, and better yet, if you are ready, join me and join the campaign.

See you on the doors in Northwest Iowa! Let’s make this happen!

by Penny Rosfjord
Posted 9/25/19

3 Comments on "Kamala Harris Is The Fighter Iowa Needs In The White House"

  • So THRILLED that America is getting to know Kamala Harris! Inspirational doesn’t even begin to describe her. She empowers everyone she meets. She is super intelligent and intuitive and can work across party lines. Don’t let this gem slip away—–and don’t let the MSM tell you who you should vote for!!

  • I can only jump on the bandwagon, here. She connects with people invidivually (one can’t help but feel her empathy after watching the video of her with the crowd, marching, dancing and yes – comforting people, individual people, in the crowd the morning of the Steak Fry), but she is firm in dealing where firmness is required.
    Her plans/policies are detailed, substantive and workable (read for yourself at: https://kamalaharris.org/issues/ )
    …and she’s got great people working on her campaign here in Iowa, as well.

  • Senator Kamala Harris is the only candidate in this race that can actually beat Trump! She appeals to the National population, not just the left wing of it. 2020 is the year of women, marking the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, that will be celebrated throughout the campaign season. We’re going to need a lot of excitement & enthusiasm to remove an incumbent President who can tout good economic numbers. Kamala can capture the women vote, including cross over Republican voters. She can bring back Independents (by far the largest group of voters in this country) who went for Trump in 2016. She can bring out minorities like Barack Obama did. She’s intelligent, articulate, educated, funny & loves to cook. She is a normal person, that relates to everyday people. She has a warm & friendly personality, but when she needs to be a tiger, she’s a tiger. She could steam roll Trump in any debate. This is why the Trump reelection committee fears Kamala Harris most out of any other candidate in this race.

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