Senate Democrats Petition To Protect Pre-Existing Conditions Coverage

Senate Democrats have filed a discharge petition to bring a vote on the Protecting Pre-Existing Conditions Act, in an attempt to bypass committees and put public pressure on Senate Republicans to put a vote on the record.

The petition will push to hold a vote later in October.

“Trump and Republicans have pushed to let the insurance companies sell these junk plans, which cost more and cover less. If Senator Ernst votes against this resolution, it will be a nightmare for Iowa families and will come back to haunt her politically,” said Matt Sinovic, the Executive Director of Progress Iowa, in a statement.

If protections for pre-existing conditions are removed, it could render essential health benefits useless, especially for those with chronic pain and pre-existing conditions. This would include things like maternity care, mental health coverage and assistance for substance abuse.

Allowing states to opt out of these guardrail protections would also allow companies to charge multiples for basic coverage, and could open the door for the reimposition of annual and lifetime limits.

“Any Senator who votes against this resolution sends a clear message: they don’t support protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Voters made clear they want these protections, but Senate Republicans and President Trump continue to sabotage our health care and let insurance companies discriminate against the millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions, including 1,288,400 Iowans,” Sinovic explained.

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According to an analysis by the Center for American Progress, roughly half of nonelderly Americans, or as many as 130 million people, have a pre-existing condition. This includes millions of people with high blood pressure and cholesterol, behavioral disorders, asthma and other chronic lung diseases, osteoarthritis and other joint disorders.

The following organizations support the resolution:

  • National Multiple Sclerosis Society
  • American Heart Association
  • Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
  • Pulmonary Hypertension Association
  • Mended Little Hearts
  • Hemophilia Federation of America
  • Chronic Disease Coalition
  • American Diabetes Association
  • American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
  • National Organization for Rare Disorders
  • WomenHeart: the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease
  • Susan G. Komen
  • Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
  • COPD Foundation
  • Muscular Dystrophy Association
  • National Hemophilia Foundation
  • The Arthritis Foundation
  • Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
  • National Psoriasis Foundation
  • Alpha-1 Foundation
  • ALS Association
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness
  • Immune Deficiency Foundation
  • March of Dimes
  • American Liver Foundation
  • National Health Council
  • National Patient Advocate Foundation
  • Protect Our Care
  • The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship


By Josh Cook
Posted 9/27/19

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