IA-Sen: League of Conservation Voters Action Fund Backs Greenfield

Photo by Julie Fleming

Theresa Greenfield earned the endorsement today of the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, described by the climate action group as a candidate “committed to investing in the Hawkeye State’s clean energy economy.”

“Iowans are already feeling the impact of extreme weather fueled by the climate crisis, and they deserve a Senator who will take action, not one who continues to deny science,” said Tiernan Sittenfeld, LCV Action Fund senior vice president of government affairs, Wednesday in a statement.

“She understands the needs of families in every corner of Iowa, and she is committed to investing in the Hawkeye State’s clean energy economy. We know she has what it takes to fight for communities across the state.”

The League of Conservation Voters and its affiliated PAC work to elect candidates “who stand up for a clean, healthy environment and to defeat anti-environment candidates who oppose climate action.”

Greenfield is one of four Democratic candidates vying for the chance to run against Republican Sen. Joni Ernst in 2020.

She has racked up a number of endorsements since entering the U.S. Senate race in June, including the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, several Iowa unions, Congressman Dave Loebsack, former lieutenant governor Sally Pedersen and former first lady of Iowa Christie Vilsack.

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Climate and environmental issues are likely to feature heavily in Iowa races once again in 2020. The state has been hit with increasingly severe weather events, and many young voters are organizing around climate issues.

“I look forward to being a Senator for Iowa who supports climate action and understands the importance of protecting our environment,” Greenfield said of the endorsement.

“With record flooding and severe weather harming our families and communities here in Iowa, it’s increasingly clear that we can’t afford leaders who reject the science on climate change and who refuse to take action to tackle this crisis,” Greenfield continued. “In the Senate, I’ll be proud to fight for strong clean energy solutions, invest in good-paying jobs, and defend and strengthen our environmental laws that are under attack from Mitch McConnell and the corporate special interests in Washington.”

LCV noted Ernst “has continuously denied the science of climate change” and earned only 1% on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard “because she has repeatedly voted to prop up the Trump administration’s assault on our bedrock environmental protections and continued to deny the science of climate change even as Iowans are experiencing record flooding and extreme weather that is fueled by the climate crisis.”

At the Iowa State Fair this summer, LCV flew a banner over the Des Moines fairgrounds criticizing Ernst’s history of ignoring climate science.


By Elizabeth Meyer
Photo by Julie Fleming
Posted 10/2/19

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