Ashley Hinson Silent On Impeachment As Others Speak Out

Photo by Julie Fleming

Ashley Hinson, a state representative and Republican candidate for Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, has let a month pass by without weighing in on the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

The Linn County lawmaker has not condemned, or endorsed, Trump’s conversation with the president of Ukraine, in which he asked Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son.

Since Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi launched the impeachment inquiry Sept. 24, multiple career public servants have testified before House committees outlining the ways in which Trump, his personal attorney and members of his cabinet worked behind the scenes to withhold military aid for Ukraine until Zelensky publicly stated his support for an investigation into the Bidens.

A Fox News Poll released this month showed 51% of registered voters want Trump impeached and removed from office.

Hinson, elected to the Iowa Legislature in 2016, is running to unseat freshman Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer.

The GOP must gain 18 seats in 2020 to retake the House majority.

Hinson’s legislative district includes Cedar Rapids and its suburbs, encompassing a formerly reliable voting bloc of Republicans who helped flip House seats for Democrats in 2018. It will be telling of Hinson’s prospects in the 1st District whether Republicans support Hinson but not Trump, or vice versa. In this swing district, she has a narrow line to draw between embracing a president who only is popular with his base, versus outright rejecting him for the sake of drawing support from Independents and moderate Republicans.

Keeping her distance from Trump and the impeachment inquiry likely will play to her benefit in the general election, but the strategy could alienate Republican primary voters who want to see her defend the president.

Two days after Pelosi announced the inquiry, Hinson wrote on Facebook, “Abby Finkenauer and the Democrats have followed their Presidential candidates and are taking a far-left turn outside the mainstream to make our country more divisive.” The statement did not directly mention Trump or the impeachment inquiry.

2020 House candidates across the country have expressed their support for the president.

David Young, a former congressman running again in Iowa’s 3rd District, has mentioned the issue of impeachment.

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On Tuesday, Young wrote on his campaign Facebook page: “Take it from the former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker, people in Iowa aren’t talking about impeachment. They’re talking about kitchen-table issues Democrats have abandoned.”

And on Oct. 15, following Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to the state, Young said: “While Cindy Axne is focused on impeachment and political games in D.C., Mike Pence is working to get the #USMCA passed.”

Here are examples of other Republican House candidates speaking out on impeachment:


By Elizabeth Meyer
Posted 10/24/19

1 Comment on "Ashley Hinson Silent On Impeachment As Others Speak Out"

  • Republicans need to defend the constitution, NOT Trump.
    Wake up, Republicans. History will not be kind to you.

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