Abby Finkenauer Puts National Spotlight On Iowa Worker Safety

Rep. Abby Finkenauer took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives just before the entire Iowa Democratic delegation voted with a bipartisan majority to pass workplace safety legislation last week.

Iowa’s Steve King voted against the “Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act,” which passed the House 251-158.

Finkenauer told a story about Tina Suckow, a worker at the Independence Mental Health Institute, who was attacked by a patient while on the job.

Suckow is a member of AFSCME and is a constituent in Finkenauer’s 1st Congressional District. She has dedicated 15 years of her life to caring for people living with mental health conditions.

Suckow’s career came to a halt when she responded to a distress call from a fellow employee who was dealing with an erratic patient at the mental health institute. For roughly 45 minutes, Suckow and a dozen colleagues tried to calm the patient who had threatened to hurt anyone who came near him.

“When nothing worked to calm him, a supervisor grabbed a padded shield,” Finkenauer said. “But, see, nobody knew that the facility even had this equipment and they weren’t trained to use it.”

“As her coworker approached with the shield, Tina became trapped between it and the patient,” Finkenauer said. “He hit Tina in the head so many times she lost consciousness. After dedicating her career and her life to caring for others, Tina was now the one in need. Since then, she has been in and out of surgeries and the emotional damage remains. That day was the worst day of Tina’s life.”

If signed into law, the bill Finkenauer advocated for will require the Occupational Safety and Health Administration create a workplace violence prevention standard to force employers within health care and social service industries to make a plan to protect their employees from violence.

“As a victim of workplace violence, it means a lot to me to know that my own member of Congress, Congresswoman Finkenauer, as well as Congresswoman Axne and Congressman Loebsack, are working to prevent other workers from going through what I have,” Suckow said in a statement. “I ended up losing my job due to the extent of my injuries. No one should have to endure violence just for doing their job. I truly hope that this bill becomes law.”

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Danny Homan, president of AFSCME Council 61, praised Iowa’s three representatives for standing up for workplace safety issues.

“Iowa has a serious problem with protecting its health care and social service workers against violence in the workplace,” Homan said, in a statement. “We have seen the consequences of the lack of workplace protections for these workers through the many injuries, surgeries, and even job losses stemming from this rampant danger.”

Homan asked Sens. Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley to support the bill when it gets to the Senate.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, health care and social service workers make up 68% of all workplace violence injuries. They are almost five times more likely to experience violence on the job than police officers or prison guards, according to the Bureau.

If the bill is signed into law, it would mandate OSHA create an interim final standard requiring health care and social service providers to create a workplace violence prevention plan within one year and issue a finalized standard within 42 months.

The plan will identify risks, specify solutions and require training within the social service and health care fields and will protect public workers in 24 states that are not currently covered by OSHA standards.

“Our health care and social services workers deserve to work in places where they aren’t facing violence or attacks,” said Congressman Axne, in a statement. “I have heard from many nurses in Iowa who shared stories about being afraid for their personal safety when all they were trying to do was provide life-saving care. I’m proud to help lead and support updating protections for our nurses, doctors, social workers and anyone in the health field.”

Attack Highlights Weak Worker Laws

In her speech on the House floor, Finkenauer said she served in the Iowa House in 2017 when the state voted to butcher basic protections and rights for public employees.

Lawmakers revised Chapter 20 of the Iowa Code to largely eliminate the collective bargaining power of teachers, correctional officers, bus drivers and other public employees like Suckow. The revision also added new requirements mandating public unions host expensive re-certification elections.

“Iowa’s working families are continuing to pay the price for those politically motivated attacks,” Finkenauer said. “Nearly 1,000 jobs in our state have actually been eliminated since 2000. These staffing shortages because of this, and the failure to train employees on vital safety measures, have put lives like Tina’s on the line.”

Since the day Suckow was attacked, Finkenauer said several other employees were assaulted at the facility in Independence.

In June, four employees at the Independence facility were attacked within nine days of each other.

Homan said at the time that “there is a safety crisis taking place” for the employees at the Independence MHI, and said the assaults point to the incompetence of managers at the facility.

“It is unconscionable,” Finkenauer said of the attacks. “This is not how you treat people.”



By Paige Godden
Posted 11/25/19

4 Comments on "Abby Finkenauer Puts National Spotlight On Iowa Worker Safety"

  • Good for her! We need more/better workplace protections. I notice how Rep. Finkenauer has quietly become a real advocate for Iowa and working people, and has become an effective representative. She is also accessible.

  • Iowa is fortunate to have 3 Representatives who stand up for working Iowans. With a trifecta in the Statehouse, the minority Reps hands are tied. Iowans recognized the votes that they cast in 2018 to improve the quality of representation on the Federal level. Representatives like Rod Blum, David Young (both lost the election) did not work for Iowans in the House of Representatives. J.D. Scholten came very close to winning his race against Steve King. Hopefully Iowans can see that their votes have consequences, King was stripped of his committees & Iowans are paying for King’s salary while not being represented! Iowans deserve better than King, Ashley Hinson or David Young. These GOP hopefuls cannot replace Representative Finkenaur or Representative Axne. J.D. Scholten and Rita Hart need Iowa support in 2020 so we can maintain the excellent representation that we’ve become accustomed to in the past year!

  • It is reassurring to see that Iowa has a United States House Representative fighting for the working class men & women of this great nation, and especially from my home state.
    Representative Finkenauer speaks with integrity & compassion and rises to the cause in defense, of the safety of workers at their workplaces. She totally demonstrates what representation of the people is all about, by taking an issue and getting a plan of action in place to resolve the problem.

  • That’s Terrific There Really needs to be a Change I was The Only African American Female for 6 years Once George Ann Westcott Cassidy Got Hired She became a Dictator I learned I’m There for One Reason To Do My Job I Complained about 3 New Employees Wrote a letter of Discrimination Was Put on a 1 Day Suspension for Being 5 minutes late. 2 weeks later While in Desnoines for lobby Day was told I wasn’t supposed to be There My slip said Approved for 16 hours it was a two day Event I Was a Union Steward Also a Treasure for The Union So I had gone Every Year On Saturday I became upset not knowing what else They were going to do to me, Went on Facebook Express My Concerns and asked My Family to Pray for me Just in case I didn’t come home safely Well Sunday I went to work was placed on Administrative leave by George Ann Westcott Cassidy for Retaliation & Work Place Violence while at home Police was called to My home didn’t know it was do to work thought someone seen my post & was Concerned Next Thing I hear if I’m seen anywhere on The Grounds To Call Police not a Supervisor I was Accused of Attempted Murder of the 3 people I wrote a letter of Discrimination on They were Monitoring My Facebook page I read for Some Time? Only Thing I ever Spoke about was God
    Unemployment denied for violence in the workplace Blacklisted in the State of Iowa for Violence Who wants to hire Someone I have PSTD denied Work comp from Sedgwick I still Today can’t trust Facebook I Black People She ask 17 People that I didn’t even work with about my Facebook page There was a Code put out on Me I had a little Girl in a Casket on My Facebook page One Employee told That & also called in about My Facebook page Well that little Girl was from the Church Bombing in Birmingham Alabama it Made Me So depressed How Could Someone hate That bad The Only Solution for Me was to leave MHI after all That & Me being The Only African American for 6 years to Transfer to another State Job was told No I couldn’t because of Union That George Ann Westcott Cassidy is Something else Oh yeah They saw me say I loved My Brothers on Facebook had Nothing to Do with work They said My Brothers were going to kill Them Also Not Once did I enter a Courtroom Just to tell them who The little Girl was or My Brothers never came to work with me nor did I ever discuss what I was going through with anyone But The Letter I wrote & I was 6months Pregnant with fibroids for two years never missed one Day I had to Flee the State of Iowa Was being followed phone calls Had a Mortgage payment Car Payment After 6 years She gave me a 500 dollars check & took 2 months to send it just last March 2019 I flew to Alanta Georgia Ann Westcott Cassidy was at The Airport I See The Other Person that told her Husband I was coming to some small Town in Iowa were she lives to watch out for My Cars when I see her now I act as if I don’t see her . And I live in Black Hawk County not Buchanan County I just thought what if I lived in that small Town and Police was called to My home That would be Scary Thank God I was raised & born & lived in Black Hawk County She went to every hearing I never knew anything. Blacklisted Iowan .Accused of Attempted Murder Violence in the workplace.

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