Iowa Postal Workers Union Local 44 Endorses Bernie Sanders

Photo by Julie Fleming

The American Postal Workers Union Local 44 of Central Iowa has endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders for president, the campaign announced today.

“Senator Bernie Sanders stands for the working class people of this country,” said DMI APWU Local 44 President Mike Bates. “He will fight for postal banking that would bring in revenue to the Postal Service and stop the legalized loan sharking of check into cash and payday loans that feed on the working poor.”

The Local 44 members voted to stand with Sanders during their meeting this past week in Des Moines.

The union is 700 members strong and adds to the growing list of more than 130 individual union worker endorsements that Sanders’ Iowa team previously rolled out. Sanders’ campaign has courted union members heavily throughout the Iowa Caucus, positioning himself as the leader for blue-collar America.

“Donald Trump wants to privatize the Postal Service and threaten over 630,000 jobs. That absolutely cannot happen,” Sanders said. “I’m proud to stand together with the postal workers of Local 44 as we fight to strengthen USPS, protect jobs and allow post offices to provide basic banking services.”

Sanders has big plans for the post office should he be elected president.

“The post office guarantees to deliver your mail in snow and rain, in heat and in gloom of night,” according to his website. “It delivers your mail whether you live in a city skyscraper or down a long country road. It can do the same for banking.”

According to Sanders’ plan, the Postal Board of Governors and the Postmaster General can work together with postal unions to provide banking services.

“Together, we can create a fair banking system for all,” Sanders says.

Under the plan, post offices would officer basic checking and savings accounts, debit cards and even low-interest loans, among other offerings.

“It would end the racial disparities in access to banking and access to credit, while also stopping financial institutions from reaping massive fees off the poor and under served,” according to the plan. “USPS must act now to use existing authority to implement pilot postal banks.”

Bates stated Senator Sanders is “a proven leader.”

“He has our backs and we will have his back in this election,” Bates said. “The DMI Area Local 44 of the American Postal Workers Union will do everything we can to elect Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States of America.”


by Paige Godden
Posted 1/18/20

3 Comments on "Iowa Postal Workers Union Local 44 Endorses Bernie Sanders"

  • Bernie Sanders has fought his entire career to defend civil rights of historically disadvantage groups, including blacks, Latinos,Native Americans , women, LGTBQ people . He strongly condemns efforts to suppress minority and low-income voters and believes that we don’t have to settle for the status quo and we can do better.

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