New Ad Targets Miller-Meeks On COVID Relief, GOP Tax Cut Hypocrisy

Provisionally-seated Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks is already facing one of her first big tests in Congress with the coming COVID-19 relief package. Just this Friday, the House advanced the portion of the bill that provides $1,400 direct payments to most Americans and up to $3,600 for every child in a family.

Many Republicans have signaled their opposition to the measures, arguing they will cost too much and add to the nation’s debt. Democrats have pointed out that Republicans were happy to pass massive spending bills that exploded the debt under Donald Trump’s presidency, and those were largely tax cuts for the rich, in comparison to the widespread relief Democrats are offering now during a global pandemic.

To add pressure to Miller-Meeks’ decision on the package, a collection of organizations in Iowa and nationally have launched an ad campaign targeting the Republican congresswoman in her district.

The TV ad that runs across Iowa’s 2nd congressional district highlights Republicans’ past efforts to support the wealthy.

“And even though there’s only one billionaire in Iowa, Marianette Miller-Meeks supports giving billionaires huge tax breaks for private jets and yachts,” the voiceover in the ad says. “But for Iowans who lost their job…she voted against sending more relief.”

Local groups like the Iowa Federation of Labor, Progress Iowa and Tax March Iowa are supporting the ad campaign. The Iowa Tax March organization is also donating $5,600 to the Center for Worker Justice of Eastern Iowa, which is what most families of four would receive through Biden’s proposal.

“For the last year, workers in Eastern Iowa have been fighting an uphill battle to protect their families against the pandemic and the economic crisis,” said Mazahir Salih, Interim Executive Director of the Center for Worker Justice of Eastern Iowa. “Even for those who have avoided serious health effects, COVID-19 still ravaged the lives of our community members. Our center has been overwhelmed by requests for assistance …  It is time for the federal government to step up and provide meaningful support for all workers, our communities, and our local economies.”


by Pat Rynard
Posted 2/15/21

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