How Cedar Rapids Plans To Use Its Rescue Plan Funding

Cedar Rapids Mayor Brad Hart announced Thursday how the city will spend its share of the American Rescue Plan funding.

According to the National League of Cities, Cedar Rapids is expected to receive about $28 million. The funds are meant to be used for cities and counties to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hart announced four categories of need: 1. social services and housing, 2. workforce development, 3. westside flood prevention and 4. covering loss of revenue for the city.

That first category already has some specifics attached, like damage done by the derecho last August, food insecurities in the city and building a permanent location for the Ladd Library.

Hart said he would announce exact allocations later this month or early in August.

Cedar Rapids will work closely with Linn County to fund projects where it is able.

Amara Andrews, who’s running for Cedar Rapids mayor for this year’s election, issued a press release after the announcement saying plans for the money should focus more on the city’s approaching housing crisis, supporting small businesses and helping nonprofit organizations.

Those positions are included in her plan for how to use the money.

Tiffany O’Donnell, who is also running for mayor, issued a press release supporting the plan to promote recovery and development. She also encouraged the city and county governments to work together.

O’Donnell said she wants the city to prioritize Cedar Rapids’ citizens, and encouraged the city to replace the available housing units lost in the flood, as well as promote development downtown.


by Nikoel Hytrek
Posted 7/9/21

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