Grassley Revealed Why He’s Really Accepting Trump’s Endorsement

Scott Olson/Getty Images

Sen. Chuck Grassley gave a stirring, 25-second explanation of why he was accepting former President Donald Trump’s endorsement last night: solely because it would help him politically.

The 88-year-old senator briefly took the stage with Trump before a crowd of thousands of energized Trump fans in Des Moines on Saturday evening.

“I was born at night, but not last night,” Grassley said while standing next to Trump. “So if I didn’t accept the endorsement of a person that’s got 91% of the Republican voters in Iowa, I wouldn’t be too smart. I’m smart enough to accept that endorsement.”

Grassley then left the stage.

He was likely referring to a recent Des Moines Register poll that showed Trump with a 91% approval rating among Iowa Republicans. That was actually higher than Grassley’s standing among his own party’s voters in the state—just 81% of Iowa Republican voters view the longtime senator favorably.

Grassley does have a Republican primary challenger in state Sen. Jim Carlin, a Trump-backing, far-right legislator who has echoed Trump’s messaging on elections and other topics since getting into the race. Carlin’s campaign has struggled to get going—he’s raised little money and doesn’t have much public backing from key public officials or major activists.

Still, Trump not endorsing in the race would at the least have caused some political headaches for Grassley in his reelection bid.

Campaign staff for Grassley or possibly the senator himself tried to clean up the comments, tweeting out soon after the event a statement that highlighted policies that Grassley and Trump had worked on together.

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It was telling that it was clearly on Grassley’s mind that accepting the endorsement or not was a decision that required at least a little bit of thought, even if the choice was obvious to him. It seems to suggest that there was a conversation at one point of whether Grassley should go all-in with Trump this year (the senator at first said the President bore some responsibility for the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol), and that Grassley was still thinking about that when he went on stage to ad-lib an acceptance.

Much of the current Iowa Republican Party establishment was around before Trump got onto the political scene. And while the state party and elected officials have turned into one of the most supportive local parties of Trump in the country, there’s skepticism among some Trump activist circles about whether are true believers and if they only do what they need to in order to keep Trump voters happy.

Grassley did read a short speech along with other Republican establishment figures before Trump spoke, in which he kept closer to maintream GOP talking points. The senator noted Trump’s actions on tax cuts, criminal justice reform, the border, ethanol, regulations and the economy before criticizing President Joe Biden’s current policies.

“We had a president that ran on certain promises, and he tried to deliver on those promises, and the fact he did deliver on most of those promises,” Grassley said. “President Trump ran on a platform of making sure that we had strict, constructive, conservative justices on the Supreme Court, and there’s three of them there, and I was happy to chair the committee to get them there.”

The senator drew a loud “No” shout from the crowd when he asked whether or not they were better off now under Biden than they were with Trump, before encouraging the crowd to back Republicans up and down the ticket.

“We’ve got to get control of the House and the Senate in the 2022 elections, and that’s what I’m about. I would appreciate your support in the next election,” Grassley closed with.

As Trump fans were gathering at the state fairgrounds long before the speaking schedule kicked off, Grassley hung out with the party establishment at a tailgate 20 blocks away.


by Pat Rynard

4 Comments on "Grassley Revealed Why He’s Really Accepting Trump’s Endorsement"

  • I wish the Democrats had someone who could draw a crowd like Trump does. Not a Grassley fan but I think its highly unlikely we can beat him. We would have had a much better chance of capturing that senate seat if Chuck had decided not to seek re-election.

  • On the other hand all those crowds did not win him reelection did it? Lost by 7 million. As for Senator Grassley, imagine being 88 years old with a lifetime of service having to ingratiate yourself to a person who caused January 6, 2021. Pathetic.

  • Hi, it’s 2021, Trump is no longer in office, but the media is more obsessed with Trump than ever before, as if they’re addicted to his realness. Yes, it’s hard to stay stuck to a corpse called Biden. It’s hard to stay entertained by the Walking Dead of Pelosi, Feinstein, Biden and other rotting corpses that have contaminated congress. Yep, TRUMP is the flavor of the decade for the deadbeat news, the lazy low IQ sub intellectual journalists who can’t find a story, but repeat the same stories. Boring. Yawn. Nothing new. Nothing creative! There a MILLIONS of interesting stories happening daily in the USA and all we hear from these blowhard fools are regurgitated stories of the same theme. I hate Trump. Trump hates us. We hate Trump. Trump tells us off. Dems outrages. Republicans fight back. FU ALL you morons. Meanwhile, some 4 year old girl went missing. A middle class family just lost their family business. A nurse who worked on the COVID FLOOR for a year was FIRED for refusing the covid vaccine. The rich and famous are planning another COCHELLA FEST with 125,000 people and are NOT REQUIRING ANYONE BE VACCINATED TO ATTEND, but want us to believe they will be checking 125, 000 people at the gates to see if they’ve been tested for covid in the past 72 hours. This is a clown world people. Get on your clown suit and join the circus. Or step up and do something about this shiteshow. COCHELLA FEST SHOULD BE DECLARED A PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY THREAT in the same way people who aren’t vaccinated are declared a threat, right. Right. BUt oh, too many rich and famous people attend Cochella…is that the difference? So that makes it okay…Pathetic. Nobody should have any respect or obey these idiotic rules when such inconsistencies constantly play out before our very eyes….This isn’t science. This is insanity.

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