Iowans Donated $19,000 to Canadian Trucker Protest

AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey

Iowans contributed $19,037 to the Canadian trucker COVID-19 protests through a Christian fundraising website GiveSendGo, according to Starting Line analysis of the leaked data from the site.

Earlier this week, data from a reported hack of the donation site was leaked online, providing records of people from all over the world, primarily Canada and the United States, who contributed money to back the truckers protesting vaccine mandates that have disrupted Ottawa and, recently, the main international bridge route between the two countries. Conservative activists and supporters switched over to GiveSendGo after GoFundMe blocked donations to the largely right-wing cause.

The leaked file contains a little over 90,000 names, donation amounts, zip codes and comments left by people who contributed.

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Starting Line ran a zip code matcher and found 319 Iowans who contributed anywhere between $5 and $1,050 to the truckers, for a total of just over $19,000. Donations were spread out pretty evenly across the state.

No noteworthy names stuck out to us from the list. We won’t share the full file since 1) the names can’t be completely confirmed as it’s not clear you had to leave your real name (though there’s no reason to think people would have intentionally left a fake one, not realizing it’d be leaked), and 2) the vast majority of donations were relatively small from non-public figures.

Still, it’s interesting to see the depth of support for the protests, featured heavily on Fox News and other conservative outlets, from Iowans for the movement across the border.

Donors could also leave a comment on the fundraising site. Here is a sampling of those from Iowans:

“A world without clotshots is worth honking for”

“Go guys, GO! And when it’s time for the one in the US, write me again!”

“Keep on trucking and defeat these tyrants. Support from Des Moines, IA.”

“As Archbishop Vigano has confirmed, this crusade by the Canadian Truckers is the spearhead of God on earth to bring down the Deep State evil. The truckers are St Michael incarnate.”

“Covid restrictions are hurting us all. They must be ended.”

“Lions not lambs”

“Let’s go Brandon”

“Honk honk!”



“Sending support from Iowa. We are all in this together! Hadn’t thought to donate until GoFundMe pulled their BS.”

“I don’t know what this is for, but if it upsets liberals I am with it.”

“This donation is given on behalf of my mother. She strongly supports freedom but is unable to give because she is disabled and on a fixed income. I’m confident she is praying for freedom and your movement.”

“Jackson County Iowans are with you! Stay peaceful, but stay the course.”

“I am the daughter of a former Canadian from NS & I am a proud wife of a former trucker. I live on a fixed budget because my husband & I are both disabled but I feel the need to give what we can.”

“When your truck caravan leaves from California to Washington D.C. you should pass through Sioux City, Iowa. We strongly support your cause and we have ended mandates in our city.”

“Fight the communism!”

“Love the peaceful stance for freedom to stop the communist ways of the left. Study communism and socialism. See how they came to power and brutalize and control their people. I read that North Korea even puts some people to death with a flamethrower, and I have no doubt. They have complete power to do as they wish. I’m not comparing North Korea to Canada, however, the left wants absolute control.”

“Thank a trucker. Freedom doesn’t come free.”


by Pat Rynard

Iowa Starting Line is part of an independent news network and focuses on how state and national decisions impact Iowans’ daily lives. We rely on your financial support to keep our stories free for all to read. You can contribute to us here. Also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

1 Comment on "Iowans Donated $19,000 to Canadian Trucker Protest"

  • A lot of truckers are Democrats and also Teamsters. I’m not in favor of anyone blocking bridges or traffic which occured in some BLM protests as well as the recent Truck driver protests. There seems to be a trend among the ultra-liberal to look down their noses at rural and blue collar folks. IDP does well in the cities but lackluster in rural areas and have seen some erosion of union support. IDP needs better outreach to rural and blue collar hardworking Iowans.

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