GOP Bill Wants Iowans To Report Teachers’ Violation Of ‘Divisive Concepts,’ Levy Fines

Two years ago, Iowa Republicans passed a divisive concepts law—which outlawed the non-existent threat of critical race theory and other topics being taught in public schools—and now they’re looking to add expensive civil penalties to the measure. They also want Iowans’ help in reporting public school educators for any perceived violation.

House Education Committee Chair Skyler Wheeler (R-Hull) introduced a bill Monday to toughen up the law that limits how public schools and state entities can offer training on racism, sexism, and diversity and inclusion. 

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House Study Bill 112 would create a system on the Iowa Department of Education’s website for students or parents of a child enrolled in an Iowa public schools district to report a suspected violation of the divisive concepts law.

Once a report is filed, the Department of Education will make a determination as to whether or not it is valid. If it is valid, the department would notify the local school board, which then has 14 days after the notice of noncompliance to correct the violation.

If the school board does not rectify the violation, the school district will be assessed a civil penalty between $500 to $5,000. Revenue from the penalties would go to the state general fund.

The bill does not specify how the Department of Education would investigate these claims or how it would determine if a school district is found in violation of them.

All the reports of potential violations are to be submitted to the Iowa Legislature in an annual report due on July 1. The report would indicate the school district where each potential violation occurred.


by Ty Rushing

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3 Comments on "GOP Bill Wants Iowans To Report Teachers’ Violation Of ‘Divisive Concepts,’ Levy Fines"

  • Isn’t it ironic that the Iowa Republican legislature is worried about fraud & abuse with poor SNAP participants, but not when it comes to lack of accountability of the Billions of tax-payer dollars going to parents & private schools, via those Vouchers?

  • With just a few amendments, concepts like evolution, climate change, and abiogenesis could be added to the controversial forbidden list. However, given the way things are going in Iowa, I’m not sure if, how, and where those concepts are being taught anyway.

  • Is it a “divisive concept” to teach a descendant of American slaves that the Fourth of July is their Independence Day?

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