2 Waterloo Parks Get $1M Funding Boost

Mayor Hart at his desk beneath artwork commissioned from Chaveevah Cheryl Banks Ferguson

Gates Park and Byrnes Park in Waterloo are one step closer to construction, thanks to a $1 million grant from the Iowa Economic Development Authority.

Gates Park will be able to add a splash pad, an inclusion park (a playground accessible to people with disabilities), an amphitheater and lighted basketball courts with a roller-skating track around the perimeter.

Byrnes Park will get a new aquatic center with a slide tower, a 25-yard lap pool, a zero-depth entry play area, a bathhouse and a mechanical building.

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The overall cost of the Waterloo project is almost $17.5 million, but in order to apply for the grant the city had to have at least 65% of the project funded.

According to a release from the City of Waterloo, the grant brings the total funding to over $15.5 million, and the city will be able to take bids on the project soon.

“We appreciate the Enhance Iowa Board’s financial commitment to a project enhancing two of our city parks that thousands of residents utilize and enjoy every year for everything from recreation to family gatherings,” said Waterloo Mayor Quentin Hart.

The Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) grant comes from the Iowa Economic Development Authority, and it was awarded at last Friday’s Enhance Iowa Board meeting.

A total of 105 CAT grants have been awarded since the Enhance Iowa Program started. The goal is to give Iowa communities a boost to build recreational, educational, cultural or entertainment amenities.

Some past projects include the MLK Park in Davenport, an outdoor park with panels displaying the history of Davenport’s people of color, a recreation center in Audubon and pools in Hubbard, Laurens and Akron.

Nikoel Hytrek

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1 Comment on "2 Waterloo Parks Get $1M Funding Boost"

  • Nice funding for the Waterloo parks. Only downside is they typically aren’t a safe place to be after dark.

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