‘Shame On Us,’ Says Iowa Senator As SNAP Restriction Bill Passes

Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott speaks during debate on a SNAP bill in the Iowa Senate March 22, 2023.

A bill that would add more hoops to jump through for federal public assistance money—legislation that would cost the state millions over the next few years to put in place—passed the Iowa Senate Wednesday.

The bill, Senate File 494, passed along party lines, with all Republicans in favor and all Democrats against.

Sen. Jeff Edler (R-State Center), the bill’s sponsor, said the bill wouldn’t change eligibility requirements.

But Democrats protested that adding more verification to a process that already requires it, limiting families to only one vehicle, and instituting a limited time in which to respond to notices, would have the effect of removing eligible Iowans from programs, and take food away from children.

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“Too many Iowans are hungry—rural and urban alike,” said Sen. Janice Weiner (D-Iowa City), during Wednesday’s debate. “This bill would make it harder for them to apply.

“We like to say that Iowa feeds the world,” she added. “Shouldn’t that start right here at home, with our own people?”


Sen. Weiner spoke against SF 494 on Wednesday, a bill that would make it harder for food insecure Iowans to access SNAP benefits. The bill passed 34-16. Earlier this year, Weiner also introduced a bill to provide free breakfast and lunch to all Iowa students, but the legislation got no traction among Iowa Republicans. #iowa #iowanews #iowapolitics #ialegis #snap

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The bill would require Iowans who already qualify for the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to jump through additional hoops, including new identity verification and asset testing.

Sen. Todd Taylor (D-Cedar Rapids) noted that, rather than save money by preventing fraud, the bill will actually cost taxpayers millions over the next few years.

“This bill sets up more bureaucratic red tape and more government forms … that will prevent Iowans who truly need food,” Taylor said. “It seems (Republicans) talk about wanting smaller, smarter government, until you don’t.”

Adding more steps to a process that already has barely any fraud will also result in more Iowa children going hungry, said Sen. Bill Dotzler (D-Waterloo).

“This is just furthering a fallacy that people are too lazy to work, and that they are on the public dole, and, man, we’re feeding kids when we shouldn’t be,” he said. “Even if we got a deadbeat parent, what are we doing to the kids? These are the children of Iowa. Shame on us.”


Sen. Dotzler proposed an amendment to SF 494 on Wednesday to increase the period to respond from 10 days to 30 days. The amendment failed, and SF 494 passed 34-16. #iowa #iowanews #iowapolitics #ialegis #snap

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The bill would also make Iowans respond to any public assistance notice within 10 calendar days of that notice being sent, something Dotzler said could be a problem if a person couldn’t get their mail in a timely fashion, like if the post office didn’t deliver in time.

“We cannot kick people off of their benefits … because they didn’t get the notice. How can that be right?” Dotzler said. “And how could you, as a group of fellow senators, agree that that’s OK?”

Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott (D-Waukee) pointed out that when Pennsylvania’s legislature tried a similar asset test, 14% of those enrolled—hundreds of thousands of eligible residents—were kicked off their benefits. Pennsylvania later rescinded the law.

“Most folks don’t realize that a lot of their neighbors are receiving SNAP, that SNAP are benefiting their local grocery stores and their small communities,” Trone Garriott said. “If 14% of all our folks enrolled in Iowa’s SNAP program lost their benefits, that’s $5.8 million a month that our state would not see in our local grocery stores.”


by Amie Rivers

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4 Comments on "‘Shame On Us,’ Says Iowa Senator As SNAP Restriction Bill Passes"

  • I certainly don’t feel a food stamps recipient should be restricted to one car. The idea is to get them to work and become self sufficient. However I don’t want the school system to become a “nanny state” providing two meals a day. What’s next – three free meals a day? And handouts on the weekend also?

  • Nanny state? How ironic considering all the bills passed by this far-right legislature telling schools what they can teach what books can be read even how to speak to their students all the while telling we the taxpayers have to pay for it. Compromise? As soon as my taxpayer dollars do not have to go to pay off sexual harassment suits or racial lawsuits because the adults can not speak appropiately, then I will listen to the moaning about children getting free meals at school. Grow the hell up.

  • Isn’t it amazing that the legislators who gave all the private schools in Iowa and the families that drive two or even three vehicles have no means test to receive tax payers dollars. Looks like it is on the backs of the very poor once again.

  • As a disabled single mother and snap recipient, this means I’m looking at losing benefits for my son and I just because I have a 25 year old pickup that I’ve kept for occasional hauling in addition to my 18 yr old, more efficient vehicle I use otherwise. Combined value of both is under 5k. Not sure how this should make us ineligible, but I guess that’s par for the course with Republicans.

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