DeSantis Has Law Enforcement Block Iowa Journalist From Event

Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign team today contacted law enforcement in an attempt to prohibit Iowa Starting Line reporters from covering his campaign in the Hawkeye State, according to Shelby County Sheriff’s deputies.

Two reporters—including Starting Line’s Chief Political Correspondent Ty Rushing—were greeted by multiple sheriff’s deputies at the entrance of the American Legion in Harlan on Friday afternoon, where DeSantis was making his second campaign stop of the day.

“They said it’s a private event. They don’t want you. It is what it is,” Deputy Bill McDaniel said, refusing to elaborate on why the campaign sought to block Starting Line’s access to the event today.

“I can’t (tell you why). I don’t work for them. It’s a private event,” he said.  “It is what it is.”

No other media outlets were excluded from the event. After speaking to a crowd inside, DeSantis answered questions from other reporters on the front lawn, where Starting Line was also prohibited from participating. Deputies stood guard on the sidewalk throughout the event.

Before the event in Harlan, Starting Line had covered another DeSantis event in Atlantic, where DeSantis’ private security took photos of the reporters and began to shadow them around the event. Rushing has also covered seven previous DeSantis events.

A request for comment left with DeSantis’ campaign was not immediately returned.

“My job is weird. One day, you’re eating Iowa State Fair food with the governor of Minnesota and the next day the Florida governor is banning you from his event,” Rushing said.


by Team Starting Line

13 Comments on "DeSantis Has Law Enforcement Block Iowa Journalist From Event"

  • What is DeFascist afraid of?
    He’s a (dangerous) joke and not even remotely qualified to be POTUS.

  • What does DeSantis have to hide that justifies such fascist suppressive behavior? Big red flag. Don’t vote for him.

  • The journalist cannot attend because Casey (Princess Sparkle 2) does not have her new fashion wardrobe yet – must not be seen in her worn clothing .

  • Not a fan of candidates banning journalists as long as they are respectful. I would think any candidate would want to get their message out to the public. Not a fan of protesters making a grade A fool of themselves – but journalists are a different lot. To win Iowa you have to appeal to independents and open-minded voters of the opposite party. Really wish RFK Jr would come to the state fair as we need better choices than trump and biden.

  • Stop pretending that there are any desirable or capable candidates presently running for President. It might be a good idea to see if anyone can think of anyone as competent and/or desirable as Michelle Obama. Most intelligent people can’t stand the smell of Washington, D.C., today.

  • Who pays the sheriff when he is guarding private property from a particular person? Did DeSantis have a protective order from a court? Does the sheriff believe in a free press or in equal protection of the law?

  • DeSantis appears to be a “dictator in waiting” in more ways than one. His campaign is having reporters turned away? What is he fearful of? Beware Iowans. He is an unknown quantity— and he seems to be able to command all those who would do his bidding.

  • Ummmmmm were there any reporters of color that actually were allowed in (to the ‘private’ event) and were able to question the candidate? Perhaps he was not allowed inside b/c being a journalist was not one of the ‘skills’ that slavery afforded.

  • RFK I like his comment standing up for land owners vers investors and big oil on the land grab for the carbon pipeline!! I voted for Biden in the past but Im leaning eles where and it wont take much to persuade my thinking to vote differently and im not talking about the GOP

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