New Iowa Coalition Targeting Zach Nunn’s Voting Record

Screenshot from “Groceries” ad.

Republican Congressman Zach Nunn does not yet have a Democratic challenger for next year’s election, but a new coalition called “Fairness for Iowa” is taking aim at his voting record, arguing he is not actually representing the people of Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District.

Fairness for Iowa is planning a seven-figure media effort to hold Nunn “accountable for protecting corporate profits instead of protecting Iowans.” 

Titled “Groceries,” the group’s first 30-second ad starts off with a woman from Dexter, Iowa, saying “Everything is more expensive and Zach Nunn has voted to make it worse.” 

The woman then accuses Nunn of voting with Big Oil to raise gas prices, siding with drug companies against lowering prescription prices, and siding with Big Ag to kill off family farms and increase grocery prices.

An accompanying press release from Fairness for Iowa cites the specific congressional bills Nunn voted for that they tie to the actions they accuse him of.

The Fairness for Iowa coalition is made up of AFSCME, Health Care For America Now, the Iowa Citizens Action Network, the Iowa Federation of Labor,  Iowa Main Streets and Country Roads, Lower Drug Prices Now Iowa, and Progress Iowa. 

In a statement, Progress Iowa Executive Director Matt Sinovic called Nunn a “corporate sellout” and said Iowans deserve better.

“Since becoming a member of Congress, he’s supported tax cuts that help Big Oil, Big Pharma and Big Ag,” Sinovic said. “At the same time he has attacked Medicare and Social Security recipients, small farmers and hard-working Americans. Fairness for Iowa will continue to hold him accountable and ensure Iowans know Nunn is helping wealthy corporations rake in record profits while the rest of us struggle to get by.”

In response, Nunn’s campaign blasted the ad.

“The ad released today is false and sad. While Iowans are enjoying the State Fair, out-of-state political operatives are desperately trying to find any candidate to take on Congressman Nunn, who in just a few short months, has established a bipartisan record of accomplishments fighting for Iowans,” said Campaign Manager Kendyl Parker.

Parker said that Nunn has worked to pass legislation to secure energy independence and strengthen national support and touted his military service and experience working on an Iowa Century Farm.

“He’s done all this and more with over 90% bipartisan support,” Parker said of Nunn’s congressional accolades. “Out-of-state political operatives attempting to lie about his record should take note that Iowans know bullshit when they smell it.”

by Ty Rushing


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2 Comments on "New Iowa Coalition Targeting Zach Nunn’s Voting Record"

  • Its one thing to target Nunn’s voting record and another to nominate a Dem who can win. Axne’s full blown embrace of our diminished capacity president’s dismal economic record cost her seat and gave the GOP a sweep in the US House, US Senate, and governorship in Iowa.. Need to choose wisely and find a candidate who doesn’t thumb their nose at rural Iowa and can appeal to independents and get some GOPers to cross over.

  • What does “family farm” even mean in Iowa in 2023? I know of one very large “family farm” run by siblings in their seventies, and their children, who are locally known for their lack of any interest in protecting soil and water. I’ve heard of others. And I’ve seen a number of photos in Iowa farm media that show families, young parents with their young children, standing proudly in front of hog CAFOs. And I’ve been told by progressive friends who know more about Iowa ag than I do that the family farm, as it used to exist in Iowa, was mostly “killed” years ago. I’m no fan of Zach Nunn, to put it mildly. I just wonder what the ad really means when it comes to “family farms.” Does it refer largely to farms in other states?

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