‘Poor Management’ Reason for First-Day Strike at Iowa City Starbucks

Iowa City Starbucks unionized workers hold signs during a one-day back-to-school strike protesting poor management alongside Rep. Adam Zabner (left) on Aug. 21, 2023. Photo from Rep. Zabner’s Twitter post.

Iowa City Starbucks workers went on strike for the second time this summer, this time taking recurring issues with their site’s manager to the picket line. 

The Iowa City Starbucks, located at Burlington and Clinton in downtown, is the first and so far only Starbucks in Iowa to unionize. Their efforts to meet with the company, however, have remained unsuccessful, just like the hundreds of unionized Starbucks stores across the US.

Workers shut down the store Monday, which was the first day of classes at the University of Iowa, located across the street from campus. It was a “Back to School Strike,” according to their Twitter post. 

Other people in the community joined in during the strike, including Adam Zabner (D-Iowa City), who tweeted, “Proud to stand with Starbucks workers in Iowa City who are bravely striking for better working conditions.” 


“Union busting is disgusting,” read one employee’s sign. 

“No contract, no coffee,” read another. 

Workers were not available for further comment this week.


by Grace Katzer

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1 Comment on "‘Poor Management’ Reason for First-Day Strike at Iowa City Starbucks"

  • Its certainly their right to strike. Would like to know how much their weekly strike is pay is from their union while they aren’t working. Striking workers aren’t eligible for unemployment benefits here in Iowa.

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