
Advertise With Iowa Starting Line

Do you want to get your message in front of the perfect audience of Iowa politics readers? We can help you with that!

Iowa Starting Line is the most-read independent news outlet in Iowa, and our readership has grown significantly even after the Iowa Caucus. Our social media reach is considerable, and we’ve long been a must-read site for Iowa politics. Perhaps most important is the amount of influential actors in state and national politics and media that follow our website. When someone advertises on Starting Line, it gets noticed.

Our readership includes:

  • Everyday Iowans
  • Rank-and-file Democratic voters
  • Party activists
  • State and national reporters
  • Elected officials
  • Campaign staffers
  • Candidates
  • National progressive leaders

As our readership has skyrocketed this year, our ad spot pricing is significantly cheaper than what you’d usually achieve through Facebook ads when it comes to impressions. And unlike many of those digital advertising options, you also get in front of key influencers on Starting Line.

We can also very quickly swap in and out new creatives whenever needed.

We offer:

  • Banner ads
  • In-Post ads
  • Sidebar ads
  • Email newsletters ads
  • Podcast ads

You can buy individual ad spots or purchase several in cheaper packages.

Contact Pat at for more details.