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General inquiries:




Pat Rynard (Founder)

Twitter: @patrynard

Ty Rushing (Political Editor)

Twitter: @Rushthewriter

Nikoel Hytrek (Reporter)

Twitter: @n_hytrek

Amie Rivers (Community Editor)

Twitter: @amierrivers


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Twitter: @IAStartingLine




16 Comments on "Contact"

  • I noticed in your publication about Northwest Iowa and the restaurants that have been around Sioux City for many years, you did not mentioned the oldest fast food restaurant in Sioux City, Tastee Inn & Out enjoyed by Sioux Cityans for the past 60 years. We have a facebook page as well as a website.

  • I am a native Iowan who was active in politics until I moved to Nashville almost 30 years ago. I enjoy reading Starting Line. Disappointed in your endorsement of Clinton however. . . not because I’m a Sanders supporter (I am) who fears your endorsement might hurt him, because I rather suspect that anyone into politics enough to be one of your readers has already made up her/his mind. No, it’s because I look to this site for reporting, not editorializing. I guess I mis-read your Mission.

    • Keep reading – aside from the endorsement post, most of the rest of the reporting will remain neutral. Although, as I always have, I do toss some opinion in from time to time. I’ve been doing that long before I did an endorsement – since I’ll be caucusing for her, and it’s public, figured I may as well put my opinion up here.

  • Mr. Rynard, would you please explain why the Democrats don’t release the vote totals as do the Republicans. And a story out there is how Clinton won a whole bunch of coin tosses to wind up the victor. Can you also please elucidate what the coin tosses are about?

  • There are real differences between Hillary and Bernie.
    1) Ability to work with Congress.
    2) Minimum wage
    3) Marriage Equality
    4) Electability-Bernie beats Trump
    5) Super-PACs
    6) Wall-Street bailouts 2008- Wants to hold those responsible for the fraud accountable.
    7) Consistency- Bernie has been very consistent in his positions for decades.
    8) Private Prisons-Wants to end private prisons within three years
    9) Iraq War cost over 7,000 lives
    10)Experienced 32 years in elected office vs 8 Years as Senator
    11) Bernie opposes TPP(and other disastrous trade pacts that lead to loss of American jobs to overseas markets that pay their workers next to nothing.
    12) Walmart has called them out for being on government welfare for paying their workers so little that many of them need food stamps and welfare just to make ends meet.

  • Thank you, Patrick, for coming to Ottumwa! It is good to know someone cares about politics in southeastern Iowa!

  • You know I hope Joni sees an reads this…for the last 3 years I would have given amount to your campaign…but never once have I been able to ask a question or my opinion…just donate money it seems to be only important…I finally just got upset an has taken many searches before I found this..
    Now..I’m in Linn County, my husband an I have always voted republican….basically not a full Republican, here or there another candidate…..
    Well got our papers to fill out for the absentee ballot….received our ballots…I opened my husband’s an immediately looked to see Joni on it …she wasn’t…went an looked at mine she was on it. WHAT…
    Then I noticed at the top in big letters …mine said Republican. OK… my husbands said Democrat… hold of Linn County…….they said on record he has been Democrat…an I must of checked the box that we’d filled out Democrat was checked….NOT…I have a copy of what I filled out….never was Democrat…so had to void the ballot an send it back…..they are to replace….
    So my question really….I hope some who really cares that Joni wins will have an answer….or is a Democrat trick…..?????
    But thank you Joni for being the US Senator from Iowa…

  • John Donnelly,
    Differences between Biden and Trump,
    1. Their Ability to work with Congress is determined by the amount of illegal campaign funding Grassley and Ernst received from Putin’s NRA to promote the sales of weapons of war and high velocity ammo that blows victims organs apart on impact. 2. Republicans still fight raising the Federal Minimum Wage from $7.25/hour.
    3. Trump elected Republicans Senators and Representatives are fighting our Marriage Equality Bills Tax Laws.
    4. Electability Biden beats Trump.
    5. Biden is a public servant, not a Crook, Tax Dodger, who used our Supreme Court and Attorney General and other agencies under his control to cover-up the Trillions Trump drained from our U.S. Economy, and Biden knows we need to raise our debt limit to cover Trump’s pocketing secret trade’s/deals with Putin and Kim etc. so the U.S. doesn’t default on Trump’s additional Trillions of debt and collapse our economy and the world economies.
    6. Biden wants to hold those accountable for the huge Chemical Corps PFAS Nitrite chemical Conglomerates contamination of U.S. Source Waters (our Tap Water and bottled water). Plus hold accountable the Finacial Mortgage Industry Fraud in 2008 and their expanded Fraud under Trump’s Presidency beginning in February of 2017.
    6. Biden wants any Wall Street Bail-Outs to be funded by those corporations that have defrauded investors – accountability which Trump has avoided even in his Income Tax filings.
    7. Consistency Biden has been consistent in his work to protect Americans’ Natural Resources our Air, Water, and our rich soils for growing our Food. Biden had supported former Senator Tom Harkin’s Clean Chemical Act in 2007/2008. And would sign it into law if the Republican House and Senate presented a bill for to sign.
    8. Biden wants to end Private for Profit Prisons.
    9. Biden did not start the Iraq war by attacking the wrong country, like Republican President Bush did when those planes crashed into the Towers and my son Adam’s friends were killed trying to save their co-workers. Dimi, Adam’s one best friend was injured before he was sent back into action in Iraq with shrapnel in his legs and was killed as he fought to protect a group of escaping Marines. Dimi was left without enough Ammo to ward off …. Demi became one of the 7,000 U.S. Marines and other soldiers killed by a Republican President attacking the wrong country.
    10. Biden’s Experience comes from years in service as a legislator, including being elected to our Democratic Senate, and election as our Vice President for 8 years of service, and in 2020 we elected him to be our U.S. President, and Trump had his Trumpanzees attack our Capitol on January 6th.
    11. Biden is promoting U.S. manufacturing of U.S. products to be manufactured here (domestically) and returning Corporation/Conglomerate Headquarters back into the United States. Especially those over 500 Corp Chemical Corps Headquarters Trump moved to foreign countries so he only had to pay $750 dollars in Income taxes for 2 years after he was voted into the Office of the U.S. Presidency. Biden favors reducing profit margins on Diabetes and some other medications and has been able to sign that bill.
    12. Walmart and other large Corporations have been called out by Democratic legislators for paying their workers so little they qualify for food stamps or the SNAP program benefits. Biden does not support Corporate Welfare, but Trump used Government loan funding during COVID to support businesses that should not have qualified.

  • My apologies, yall seem to think this is about Trump vs Biden, yall just keep thinking that but the truth is its VP Harris against Trump because we all know 6 months in, Biden mysteriously steps aside maybe 25th amendment and so in that regard, unless people try and help people like me it pretty much a forgone conclusion if you simply look at crowd size which BTW was important when Obama had crowds, suddenly crowds are don’t matter, ok sure. Silent Majority = W2 Majority Fact!

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